Community Events

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Department Community Events


The Civilian Firearms Training Classes are for people who have little or no knowledge about handguns. They are very basic classes designed to give new shooters a base of knowledge so that they can make informed decisions.

Classes are comprised of three (3) separate sessions: two (2) evening sessions and one (1) session on a Saturday morning. The evening sessions are in the classroom from 6:00pm-8:30pm. The Saturday session is from 08:00am-Noon.

Topics Covered

Georgia Law Concerning Self-defense

Georgia Law on Carrying a Handgun

Situational Awareness

Fundamentals of Shooting 


Handgun Nomenclature

Maintenance and Cleaning

Attendance at all three (3) sessions is required. A handgun, ear protection, and eye protection are required for the class.

There is no cost for the class.

 Click HERE to sign up!

For any further questions, contact Captain John Clay at (478) 302-5378 or click here to email.




The WRPD Women's Self-defense Class typically focuses on empowering individuals to:

·         Develop awareness: This involves recognizing potentially dangerous situations and trusting your instincts.

·         Practice de-escalation techniques: Learn verbal and non-verbal strategies to avoid confrontation and diffuse tense situations.

·         Gain self-defense skills: These may include basic strikes, escapes from grabs, and situational awareness exercises practiced in a safe and controlled environment.

Remember, the primary goal of self-defense is to avoid conflict and stay safe. These classes can equip you with the knowledge, confidence, and practical skills to navigate potentially risky situations effectively.

The class typically lasts 3-4 hours, depending on the number of participants and involvement. The first part of the class is a PowerPoint presentation followed by basic strikes, escapes from grabs, and situational awareness exercises practiced in a safe and controlled environment.

Click HERE to sign up!

For any further questions, contact Officer Greg Martin (478) 225-6304 or click here to email.



2025 Spring Class - March 03 to May 05

The Warner Robins Police Department is now registering for the 2025 Spring Citizen’s Police Academy.  The Academy is an 10-week program that gives participants an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the responsibilities and challenges of the police profession.  

Participants will learn about several areas of law enforcement such as the hiring process, investigative divisions, SWAT team, use of force, and firearms.  Participants will be able to experience some of the training associated with police work and ride with patrol officers on duty.  Participants do not have to be a citizen of Warner Robins to be in Citizen Police Academy. 

Participants must be 18 yrs. of age or older. 

The Academy will be held on Monday evenings from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. beginning March 3rd and continue through May 5th at the Warner Robins Police Department (100 Watson Boulevard).  The Warner Robins Police Department Citizen’s Police Academy is FREE to all participants.

For any further questions, contact Officer Greg Martin (478) 225-6304 or click here to email..


LETR Bass Tournaments


For Full Results Of Past Tournaments Click HERE